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Report of Perodua free essay sample

Manpower is one the major resources of organization that plays an important role in its earnings and return. Reducing costs, employees training, associating with modern environmental and technological changes are several considerable advantages of human resource planning. Nowadays, organizations have arrived at this conclusion that to being successful in the world, there should be worldwide human resource managers and manpower planning. Close and mutual relationship between planning and information has resulted in developing and implementing the necessary information systems in organizations. This paper has tried to investigate the human resource information system. These information systems, by using data bases about organizations’ human resources are providing necessary data and information to managers decision making, at different levels of organization. Here, in addition to express the necessity of using this type of system, nature, structure and its application, it has been tried to introduce the most important applicable considerations in its preparing, hardware and software characteristics and also some of the most important advantages of using this type of system. Keywords: Human Resources Information Systems; Human Resource Planning; Employees; Communications Technology 1- Introduction: Nowadays,the most part of daily activities of managers (approximately80 percent) are spendingto receive information, communicate and using information in different affairs of organization. Since the information is the base of all activities in an organization, there should be systems to produce and manage the data. The purpose of such type of systems isensuring providing proper and reliable information and ina usable format, when it is needed. Such systems have been called information systems. Manpower as a major asset of organization plays an important and key role in achieving the organizations objectives; therefore, one of the most important tasks of human resources managers is proper planning and managingthese resources. Human resource management, through efficient and effective planning, can provide the necessary amount and combination of the future human resources and/or promote the capabilities of current labor force. Construction of effective and efficient plans, as well as decision making in the domain of human resources requires information, especially processed information (Eric Bohlen, 2008). Expanding managers activities and functions in domain of Human Resource Management, andcontinuous interaction between these activitiesand the necessity of coordinate planning in attracting, improving, maintaining and effective application of human resourcesas the most important strategic resource of each organization,creating a human resource information system,keeping up to date the COPY RIGHT  © 2013 Institute of Interdisciplinary Business Research 1004 ijcrb. webs. com FEBRUARY 2013 VOL 4, NO 10 INTERDISCIPLINARY JOURNAL OF CONTEMPORARY RESEARCH IN BUSINESS information, all has made this system, necessary in large organizations (Adreitta Throshani, KateJerome and Sally Rio; 2010). Human Resources Information Systems, HRIS, by producing, organizing, storing and distributing manpower information help the organization managersat various levels,inorder to make proper decisions. Nowadays the majority of successful companies are using human resource information systems to support daily operations of human resources. 2- Human Resources Planning Process Human resource planning is rooted in the context of manpower planning that in 1970s, personnel and operations management specialist have used them in order to apply quantitative models and evaluate the function of recruiting. This development,by presentingComputerized Personnel Information Systems, CPIS, and re-emergence of skills has promoted in the 1980s. Manpower planningpartly was based on this assumption that thestable social and economic environment and the structure of organization are based on bureaucratic principles. This assumption did not last for a long time;because the rate of changes in the past decade became faster and tendency toward flexible and flat structures was more than before. 1) Human Resources planning is called the process of creating and determining the goals, policies and programs that paying attention to development, usage and distribution of human resources to meet the economic, services and argets (Saebi, 1999); There are some definitions toward human resource planning process, HRP, which are as follows: 2) Human resource planning is a process,in which an organization determine thathow many employees and in what expertise and skills and to what occupations are needed in order to achieve its goals, (Saadat, 2012); 3) Human resource planning determine the number of people, whoshould be selected to meet the objectives of organization, should be trained, should be promoted, retired or be fired, and so onin future years, which are estimatingbased on necessary facilities and equipment (Rezaeiyan, 2011). The term of manpower was no longer acceptable, and the term of human resource planning became its alternative. According to the theory of Geisler, human resource planning is a process that includes forecasts, developments and controls, and a company through them will be sure that theproper number of individuals have been employed in an appropriate place, right and proper time to do particular thing,and in order to obtain highest economic achievement. Human resource planning is a process by whichan organization determinesthat, how many employees, and in what expertise and skills, and to what jobs are needed in order to achieve its goals. COPY RIGHT  © 2013 Institute of Interdisciplinary Business Research 1005 ijcrb. webs. com FEBRUARY 2013 VOL 4, NO 10 INTERDISCIPLINARY JOURNAL OF CONTEMPORARY RESEARCH IN BUSINESS Human resource planning isdetermining the number of people who must be selected, trained, promoted, retired or be fired, and so on, in the future years to meet the goals of organization that is estimated based on necessary facilities and equipment. Vetter† definesthe human resource planning through another phrase. He insures that how an organization should transfer its existing human resources from a particular situation to optimal and ideal situation. A planning,in whichmanagement leads the organization toward a direction thataproper number of specific individuals, in the correct time, and in the right place implementactivities that their results, both for the organization and for its individuals bring about long-term interests and maximum advantages. â€Å"Kalmon†defines human resources planning in other word. According to his idea,this concept is a process,in which conditions, requirements and the instruments of human resource are determiningtoperform the programs of organization. There are similar definitions that have been expressed in the field of planning human resource,but we just rely to theabove mentioned items. (Asghar, JabbarZade; Fahimeh, Kokabi; 2009) It should be noted that some of the management scholars believes human resources planning, originally is a strategic planning that move toward general goals of organization and necessary procedures,in order to achieve general objectives. Resources, such as financial, physical, informational, human resources, and labor market circumstances, development of services and many other intra and extra organizational factors in human resource planning should be addressed that all of them should be considers as strategic factors (Abtahi;2012). 3- Steps Human resource planning can be implemented in four stages (El Dolan, 2011): 1) Collecting, analyzing and predicting ata in order to forecast the supply of human resources, (and constructing a human resource information system) and predicting the demand of human resources (in addition to human resources information system); Determining the general goals and policies of human resources and capturing the support of top managers toward them; 3) Designing and accomplishing projects and practical programs in areas such as recruitment, training and promoting that will enable organization to achieve its objectives of human resources; 4) Monitoring the plans and programs related to affairs of employees and their evaluation in order to facilitate the progress towards objectives of human resource planning. Void posts, often can be identified withouteffective human resources planning, in order to declarethat it is void. Consequently, recruitment, selection and employment may be carry out without knowledge about jobs that are void occupations,or these steps are taken so quicklythat applying full process of recruitment and selection is not feasible (El Dolan, 2012). COPY RIGHT  © 2013 Institute of Interdisciplinary Business Research 1006 ijcrb. webs. com FEBRUARY 2013 VOL 4, NO 10 INTERDISCIPLINARY JOURNAL OF CONTEMPORARY RESEARCH IN BUSINESS 4- The Role of Management Information Systems in Organization †¢ Management information system through having strategic role in the organizationcan directly affect the following items: ? The way of decision making by managers ? The method of planning by top managers ? Controlling and validating the offered products and services †¢ The role that this system plays in organization can be regarded as the activity of heart in the human body †¢ Data is blood and information system is heart †¢ Management nformation systems ensure that proper data are collected and processed from different sources and are sending to all targetsthatrequire them. †¢ Management information system helps top managers and middle managers,in long-term and short-term, respectively. And will answer their questions about data related to practices, and the position ofregistered specific information and referring by several documents. †¢ As well as,it will help the low-level managers,by presentingoperational data and planning, scheduling and controlling data. And it is helpful whiledecision making in the operational level, and improving an out of control situation (Mahdi, Mahmoudi; 2008). Definitions of Human Resources Information Systems There are some definitions in information systems that some of them are as follows: following definitions are in Beyon (2012): ? Sherman Bohlander Snell (2011) define human resources information systems as a system that develops current and accurate information for decision-making and monitoring. As they report, according to a recent survey, most of applied information technology has been to maintenance staff’s information, monitoring salary operations, keeping information about absences and doing administrative affa irs and employment and training programs. Computerized system is just for collecting, storing, maintaining, retrieving organization’s required data about its employees. In addition to above usages they are developed to help planning, administrative functions, decision making and controlling human resource management activities. A human resource information system should define an integrated approach to collect, store, analyze, and control the flow of human resources information within an organization (Majid, Omidvar; 2007). ? This system is a software system based on database that facilitates processing human resources information process (Mojtaba Andalib Azar 2010). ? Human resources information system is an organized method of collecting, storing and presenting information to managers, in order to decision making in four function of human resources management. Such a system should have the following characteristics: COPY RIGHT  © 2013 Institute of Interdisciplinary Business Research 1007 ijcrb. webs. com FEBRUARY 2013 VOL 4, NO 10 INTERDISCIPLINARY JOURNAL OF CONTEMPORARY RESEARCH IN BUSINESS Information should be updated, and also should be available on time. Information should be right and accurate, as well as, necessary and related to managers. All necessary information, in order to all type of decision making, must be provided quickly. Human Resource Information system is a kind of functional database that has been designed to data storage, in relation to staffs and supporting the activities of human resource scope, including recruitment, selection, training, etc. Data that are kept in the human resources information system are important, because individuals and staffs of an organization are its greatest asset, and the ability to apply these assets flexibly is important to organization in achieving competitive advantage. Nowadays, short -term human resource management to meet the immediate needs has been alternative of long term planning, human resource. According to these facts that individuals move widely between different organizations and labor agreements have been short-term, there are some concerns in the field of human resources. These concerns will be removed just due to applying a human resource information system that has the potential of immediate availability to current information about individuals and their skills (Asghar, Jabbar Zade; Fahimeh, Kokabi 2009). Reasonsof Using Management Information System Currently, large companies and organizations are looking for providing specialized human resource systems, such as human resource information system (HRIS). Human resource information system has been developed in order to collect, process, human reserve, information disseminate and support of decision making, coordinate, control and analyze the human resource management activities in organization. In short, human resource information system has been designed so that its input is data that are related to human resources and its output is effective data on decisions making about human resources. There are so many reasons to use such type of system: 1. Competitiveness 2. Facilitating information processing in a large-scale structure 3. Continuous processing 4. Improving the ability of reporting 5. Integration of human resources system: due to the characteristics of software in human resource information systems, this system enables managers re-engineer all human resource functions by using information systems and integrating the functions that will be formally established by human resources personnel (Mahdi Mahmoudi, 2008). 7- Applications of Management Information System in Strategic Human Resource Management The function of these systems, acquiring, storing, improving, analyzing, retrieving and distributing the information about human resource of organization, in order to support COPY RIGHT  © 2013 Institute of Interdisciplinary Business Research 1008 ijcrb. webs. com FEBRUARY 2013 VOL 4, NO 10 INTERDISCIPLINARY JOURNAL OF CONTEMPORARY RESEARCH IN BUSINESS decisions of managersis to avoidance of difficulties and evaluating plans and policies along with supporting daily operations. (Mojtaba, Andalib Azar; 2010) Some of the important applications of human resource information system, in human resource planning are as follows: †¢ Automatic action (auto) to time saving †¢ The possibility of storing data information about job applicants that will facilitate the search process and selecting to employment. The context of educational needs evaluation through improving education †¢ Providing the context of promoting specialization and skills. The possibility of planning and simulating economic effects and changes related to recommended strategy. †¢ Providing the possibility of analyzing factors on leaving job or displacement. †¢ The possibility of a flexible management on advantages that protect the asset of organization †¢ Analyzing the reports of functions (presence of staff at the job place) and pursuing it †¢ Supporting designs and planning related to human resources †¢ The possibility of analyzing reports related to the incidents and preventing their reoccurrence †¢ The supplier of all calculations and regular statistics reports, which help managers to perform their work †¢ The strategic, tactical and operational support in using human resources (Mahdi Mahmoudi, 2008) Demography, planning and organizational analysis: human resource information system will makes possible the ability of organization to collect and track the fundamental characteristics such as age, gender, level of education, duration of employment, race. This information facilitate decision making in areas such as planning to replacement personnel, analyzing utilization in comparison with productivity and analyzing wages in comparison with productivity. †¢ Developing equal opportunities to recruitment and its following-up: human resource information system can help providing equal opportunity in recruiting and hiring applicants and as a result enables organizations to comply with legal necessity in this area. †¢ Preparing guide schemes and prediction: the outputs of human resource information system can be infrastructure to predict the effects of various plans and schemes. This will help determining and recognizing the future shortage or skills, directing the path of approaches, evaluating of past or anticipated recruitment, preference and alternative patterns to personnel who have high or low professional background and works like that. COPY RIGHT  © 2013 Institute of Interdisciplinary Business Research 1009 ijcrb. webs. com FEBRUARY 2013 VOL 4, NO 10 INTERDISCIPLINARY JOURNAL OF CONTEMPORARY RESEARCH IN BUSINESS †¢ Analyzing productivity and evaluating program: human resource information systems can be applied in tracking the consequences of educational programs and other programs about improving productivity on the basis of various performance measurements (Asghar,Jabbar Zade; Fahimeh,Kokabi 2009). 8- Dimensions of Human Resource Information System Information systems in the process of evolution have passed a progressive process. This progressive process has been indicated briefly, and includes some applications of human resource information: Data Processing:this system records the changes, and updates the original file of changes. Such as: the changes about presence and absence of personnel or the latest recruiting personnel membership in organization. Management Information System: this system manages and controls information and changes. Such as: identifying personnel who eligible for retirement in the coming year or providing a list of employees for appointment in a particular post equal to necessary criteria. Decision Support Systems: this system supports managers in determining the policy of information. Such as: the number of required manpower based on project or choosing the type and amount of welfare services and facilities to personnel on the basis of budget. Strategic Information Systems: this system uses to provide new information services and applying opportunities to earn money, which will cause involved unit in information systems, convert from cost centers to profit centers. Such as: new licensing or participating in projects outside the organization based on engineering and scientific ability of personnel in the organization or forecasting the required skills and abilities and empowerment and training employee in projects that will be exploited in future years. The amount and level of using information and reports of above information systems are different in hierarchy of organization. Information and its applications in data processing system and management information system frequently are using by operational and middle managers and employees, and the information of decision support system and strategic information systems often are used by top managers of organization. 9- The Main Stages of Providing Human Resources Information System Successful developing and implementing a comprehensive and integrated human resource information system is depend on various factors that lack of each of them can result in unwanted output. Factors those are sometimes obvious and sometimes unknown, but are not unimportant at all; and its reason is that implementing a comprehensive systemprojectneeds many facilities and activities, in addition to provide efficient software, to access a desired result. Some of these most important factors are: i Beliefand Support of Organization Top Management:in preparing and implementing new systems in the organizations such as information systems, belief and support of top management is above other requirements. It is necessary that top managers believe designing project and implementing human resources information system are not only software and computer equipment, but also it is a development program that has influenced all structural COPY RIGHT  © 2013 Institute of Interdisciplinary Business Research 1010 ijcrb. webs. com FEBRUARY 2013 VOL 4, NO 10 INTERDISCIPLINARY JOURNAL OF CONTEMPORARY RESEARCH IN BUSINESS imensions of organization, including vertical and horizontal, as well as it will influences the performance of all processes. Organization top managers may get the project into trouble, in two ways. Abandon the project and leave it to middle managers: since the establishment of a comprehensive system will lead to power substitute and disrupting balance of powers in an organization, it will interfere with the interests of middle managers (creating transparency in functions and preventing concealment) and if this issue doesn’t control by top managers, the projects will destroy among disagreements of middle managers. Furthermore, sometimes the executive difficulties of project arising from problems that resolving them is not possible by ability of middle managers. Absolute and unknowledgeable support of project: this absolute support of project will cause that some software reasonable errors not being detected, executor of the project has been abuse this subject, and will offer a system by improper quality; middle managers do not accept the responsibility of system, and because users feel that project has been imposed on them, their cooperating to set up system just is to do responsibility. Information technology, before being hardware system and a set of patterns, is an intellectual and cultural system and cannot be sustainable. Therefore, it called its ability, the culture of producing information. Without developing the culture of producing information, system is important and thinking is information oriented. Information technology, it, is formulated through connection and combination of useful production thoughts, and computers and supercomputers, and wire and cable only are instruments. In information technology, it is the thought of wise people that produce information. ii The Funding and Expenditure: preparing systems and procedures, particularly information systems, requires a significant payment. These costs, especially in the realm of topics and themes such as human resources that all its principles and criteria (rules and regulations) have not been universal or at least have not the national unity of procedure, are far more difficult, more time consuming, more specialized and more expensive. This is why, despite more than hundreds types of software in the field of human resources and administrative affairs in the market, because of specific organizational principles and criteria, none of them are applicable without fundamental and overall changes, and accordingly such organizations by using internal resources or resources outside of the organization provide this system in the form of project. At first glance, it seems that such expenditure is not economical but by analyzing and evaluating the current situation and the expenditure that are arising from lack of such a system, it will be clear that such expenditures are not only additional but also is a kind of investment that its benefits is reversible in less than a year. ii NeedAssessment: needs assessment indicate the interface between the current and ideal situation. It is a complex and scientific process that require using specific methods and techniques of that field of science from thematic experts and expert who a re familiar with the research methodology. It is necessary, in large organizations, that needs assessment perform in all organizational levels. The nature of need in different organizational levels, despite common ground has considerable discriminations that such a context will provide only through a comprehensive needs assessment mechanism, and establishing a dynamic and reliable feedback system. In organizations with a centralized system, application of a comprehensive and integrated human resource information system along with the operating COPY RIGHT  © 2013 Institute of Interdisciplinary Business Research 1011 ijcrb. webs. com FEBRUARY 2013 VOL 4, NO 10 INTERDISCIPLINARY JOURNAL OF CONTEMPORARY RESEARCH IN BUSINESS ability in all organizational levels is a necessity that makes possible the causes of controlling and monitoring, thriftiness, productivity, quality improving, unity of procedures, exchanging experience and knowledge and . . iv- Appropriateand Efficient Software:the software of a comprehensive system should have characteristics that at first glance are not collectable software. Some of these characteristics are: 1) The expansion and extent of its domains; 2) Its integrity, that means having a lot of common charts and reasonable references between them; 3) Its flexibility; 4) The ability of paying attention to the sequence of operations and internal controls; 5) Preparing necessary reports to all levels and in any number and any shape v- AppropriateOrganization:providing appropriate and effective software is not a great percentage of a project of implementing a comprehensive system. The largest part is related to other activities that should be done. Paying attention to this point is important: successful implementing the project of a comprehensive system depends on close relationship between factors that are involved in project. These factors include top managers of organization, project manager, software implementation team, analysts, middle managers, and users. Organizing and definition of these factors’ working relationship should be so that all apply fully responsibly to development of project; in particular, determining a proper working relationship with software implementation team is a key and strategic action, especially if this team are not chosen from employees of company and related to the project in the form of a contract. vi- Identification of Priority: in order to guarantee the implementation of a project, determining stages and priorities are important. Therefore it is recommended that the following steps should be prioritized: A. Units that its middle managers and users are more motivated; B. Systems that have widespread mental impact in the organization, and will solve its fundamental problems; such as on time employees’ elevating or duration of employment or on time payment system of salaries and benefits along with its details by the end of the month C. Bottleneck systems that their stabilization develops suitable ground to boot up other systems. vii- Shortening the Stages of Project:one of the most important factors that lead to failure of comprehensive system project is prolonging the time of executing different stages of the project. Because, needs vary continuously over time, management will substitute, motivation will reduce, and the cost will increases. COPY RIGHT  © 2013 Institute of Interdisciplinary Business Research 1012 ijcrb. webs. com FEBRUARY 2013 VOL 4, NO 10 INTERDISCIPLINARY JOURNAL OF CONTEMPORARY RESEARCH IN BUSINESS iii- Formulation Manual Plan: mechanization or computerization processes involves defining and drawing all operations of a com puter system. Therefore answer to some questions such as following items is necessary: ? How is the flow of operation in the organization? ? What type of documents should be prepared in each part and who should confirm it? ? How is the current shape and form of documentations organization? ? How should be applied internal controls in various operations? ? How is an organizational chart and task description of different sections? ? How are organizational domestic regulations, such as the regulation of promotions, appointments, and so on? It is clear that, without having appropriate answer to above questions, speaking about a comprehensive system is useless and in fact, manual plan as a prerequisite or interdependent factor of comprehensive system project is essential. ix- Training:one of the most important parts of preparing and implementing human resources information systems is user training and its related factors. This issue, particularly in large organizations and with affiliated units and geographically scattering throughout the country has been extremely important and requires special planning. This stage can be performed by selecting and adopting various methods, but one of its typical characteristics of information systems is devising a manual and guide in system. This manual acts as a permanently available instruction and consular to user. x- Reliable Hardware and Software Platform:while setting up a comprehensive system, the most important event that is taking place is creating an organizational trust towards software. This trust will create little by little and through practice and will disappear by small error. Especially, during setting up, usually direction that is in parallel to old and new systems is in the agenda that naturally increases users’ workload and makes them restless and bored. In addition, planning and implementing the policy of human resources information has been a change and variation that fundamentally is along with resistance. Obviously, in this situation, in case of occurring any error in the system, the first responsible is new software; and it is possible that innovator’s long time attempts to make trust, with no reason, become destroyed, and even acquitting the software will not effective. xi- Interactions and Relationship between Subsystems in a Comprehensive System:human resources information system along with integrating approach has subsystems that are available along with restrictions. Information and inputs of a subsystem are usable and necessary to other subsystem. However, at the same time, users of several subsystems are using database of comprehensive system. For instance, information related to the promotion or the group of personnel in promotion subsystem are using byappointments subsystem;but the user of appointments subsystem is not responsible about information appointments and the situation of promotion subsystem , and sometimes it is possible that availability and observing subsystem being undefined. xii- The Relationship between Organization Central Staff and Affiliated Units:one of the motivations of providing and implementing human resources information systems in COPY RIGHT  © 2013 Institute of Interdisciplinary Business Research 1013 ijcrb. webs. com FEBRUARY 2013 VOL 4, NO 10 INTERDISCIPLINARY JOURNAL OF CONTEMPORARY RESEARCH IN BUSINESS arge organizations with geographical extent and distribution, throughout the country, is speed of offering information and services. Howeverthis characteristic acts as a limitation and bottleneck to information systems,this problem will facilitate by choosing appropriate and effective telecommunication and communication methods, as well as, determining exact schedule of information exchange between users at different levels of organization and their continuous contact with each other. This exchange of information needs several considerations, including computer viruses and security and protective care. xiii – Choosing the Appropriate Database Engine:there are many tools and instruments to implement software of a comprehensive information system. These instruments cannot absolutely being rejected or confirmed, because each one has advantages and disadvantages and is offered for a purpose to market, and their presentation in the market indicates their abilities. Choosing a proper database by using knowledge and experience of experts and skillful programmers, careful analyzing and investigating different dimensions and indices of information systems, and using the experiences of similar information systems in other organizations, and conversation withusers of organization at different levels have been useful and constructive, and will be very effective in effectiveness and efficiency of the system. Obviously, choosing similar organization should be concentrate on organizations that have the most common ground (processes, structure, rules and regulations, and ) with selector organization. iv- The Mechanism of Replacing Old System with the New One: The establishment of new system and replacing it with the old system involves some important considerations and points. Implementing new systems often is appropriate to systems that have not the necessary efficiency. The old system has been either manually or mechanized, however, has contained information from past to present, and will be basis of future actions. Then, this replacing has special considerations and requires scheduling and division of work in different dimensions. xv- The Levels of Accessing: definition of the level of accessing and determining limitations is inherent characteristics of a comprehensive and integrated human resource information system, especially by numerous users at different levels of the organization. This definition and controlling the security of information in comprehensive systems is more important than single-user system and multiple fragmented one, since a database mean that all can access to the central data, and practically will lead to complexity of responsibilities. xvi- Avoidance of Ambitions: all individuals who are involved in project should know that their most important duty is establishment of an effective comprehensive system and the first step in this direction, which is not a small step, is setting up systems, at an acceptable minimum. So emphasizing details and increasing expectations of the system during startup has no effect except reducing the speed of implementing project and increasing its risk. After implementing the system, we can quickly make all necessary details in the system and show accurate reaction to different expectations. Comprehensive systems has avalanche properties, that means, if an acceptable level of it setting up and being in a correct channel and with proper slope, the motion of system will means its growing up and expansion without needs to spend a lot of energy (Ismail Hashemi Far, 2006). COPY RIGHT  © 2013 Institute of Interdisciplinary Business Research 1014 ijcrb. webs. com FEBRUARY 2013 VOL 4, NO 10 INTERDISCIPLINARY JOURNAL OF CONTEMPORARY RESEARCH IN BUSINESS 10- The Constructionof Human Resource Information System If management of organization does not predict buying packs and prepared systems of human resource management in theirstrategic plan of information system, one of the methodologies of developing information systems should be used. In order to develop information systems by strategic approach, detailed procedures have been developed (ward et al, 1990) that among them the approach of walker has been mentioned here (Walker, 1993). There Are Different Phases In Order To Develop Human Resources Information Systems As Follow: ? Analyzing business and its requirements that include analyzing business, identifying the requirements of top managers, human resource managers and operations managers. ? Analyzing and reengineering the work flows that include choosing and identifying organizational processes, documenting processes and analyzing and redefining them. Development of system has provided based on the requirements and processes that include system design, system implementation, its testing and evaluating. As it is obvious, there is no differentiation between this approach and other approaches of definition and development of information systems, but it emphasizing the strategic position of human resources and its close relation with organizational business. 11- The Executive Obstacles of Human Resource Information System Bsat and Beckers (2002) have argued that the expenditure of setting up and maintaining human resources information systems can be so high that being the main obstacle to its implementation. Moreover, Covach and Cathcart (1999) believe that the lack of financial and spiritual support of top managers is the greatest obstacles of accessing to advantages and strengths of human resources information system. They also indicated that low knowledge, skill and experience ofusers in human resources is considering as a great challenge. A performed survey by a Management Institute (2002) shows that the problems and obstacles of applying human resources information system are: lack of expert and experienced personnel in the field of designing, implementing and applying human resource information systems, in particular, the lack of experts who know the tasks of management; as well as, both organization and information technology should be considered as limitations of the planning or designing and implementing these systems. In designing and implementing any plan, financial problems, definitely, are very conspicuous that this issue is true toward this type of system. If the expenditures of setting up and designing human resources information system are high, it is possible that top manager ignores its performing or performs it imperfectly. Therefore, the problem of expenditure should be considering as the greatest challenges of implementing and designing human resources information systems. Nevertheless, if managers be aware of the importance of this fact, certainly will consider it as one of the most important priorities of the organization and will call it investment not expenditure. COPY RIGHT  © 2013 Institute of Interdisciplinary Business Research 1015 ijcrb. webs. com FEBRUARY 2013 VOL 4, NO 10 INTERDISCIPLINARY JOURNAL OF CONTEMPORARY RESEARCH IN BUSINESS Problems related to time management, requiring the cooperation of other sectors and departments, lack of adequate support from the information technology (IT) (Asghar, Jabbar Zade; Fahimeh,Kokabi, 2009). 12- Conclusions In this paper, definitions and functions of human resource management along with goals and strategic management of organization have been introduced. Human resources management, in order to do their tasks effectively, and move from traditional and conventional level to better one, has to apply advanced instruments. Human resources information systems, is one of the instruments that serve human resource managers by applying information technology. These systems will serve different range of an organization, from top management to lower level employees. There are different approaches to development of these systems, on the basis of operational and strategic needs of organization, which purchasing prepared packages or in-house (intra-organizational) designing and implementing are some of them. Already there are different companies in the world that are engaged in providing services related to applying human resource information systems in organization. Unfortunately, in our country, Iran, strategic human resource information systems associated with strategic functions are less common. However, the development of informational instrument along with being important human resources in business has provided a proper opportunity to reconstruct the performance of human resource management by using advanced technology. (Dr. Siyamak Noori; Sayed, Kiyanoosh Kalantar; 2007) According to the emphasizes on the value and the importance of human resources as capitals of organization, more efficient and effective utilization of this capital and converting it to a competitive advantage for the organization requires an accurate planning. Human resource planning should be considering not as a definition but as a management tool to access professional and expert manpower. An efficient planning along with the ability of being farsighted will has the ability of recruiting the best human resources and retaining and improving available resources, thus human resource planning should be mentioned as an important factor in maintaining the constancy of the organization. Because each program needs information, and information is one of the organization assets, and its power factor the establishment of an information system will be necessary. According to this fact that all information is not useful for system, having an information system that has a high capability in data processing is essential. Therefore, designing and developing such type of system should be considering as one of the priorities of each organization (Asghar, Jabbar Zade; Fahimeh, Kokabi, 2009). Abovementioned items have some advantages and benefits to executive system and personnel of human resource management unit. But producing and implementing human resource information systems is infrastructure of widespread changes in the organization that including its role in contributing the professional development of staff, facilitating the process of changing and innovating, developing intellectual skills among managers, consideration and formation of research culture in the human resources, providing a standardization culture, strengthening the self-control culture, contribute in determining the product cost in industrial organizations and make it realistic and In organization.

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